Sunday, January 2, 2011

  • If you liked George Bush, You'll Love Mitt Romney's Foreign Policy - Link

    Whiff the Bush Jingoism - Mitt The Neocon 

    Mitt Romney Adopts Neocon-Bush Pre-emptive War Doctrine 
    Mitt Romney proposed a provocative escalation in the standoff with Iran, calling for the "regular presence" of two aircraft carrier task forces in the waters around Iran, including one in the eastern Mediterranean, amid a hot zone of contentious Middle Eastern nations.
    The speech came on the heels of the announcement of a foreign policy team for Romney that contained many of the same Bush administration officials and aides who were most responsible for pushing that era's controversial policies, from torture and warrant- less wiretapping to the war in Iraq.
    Romney's top advisers on counter - terrorism, for instance, are Michael Chertoff and Michael Hayden, Bush's former homeland security secretary and CIA director, respectively, who together oversaw many of the abuses in the domestic war on terror.
    Bush Campaign 2.0 
    This Century Must Be An American Century - Mitt Romney Speech Delivered At The Citadel
    This Century Must Be An American Century - Mitt Romney Speech At The Citadel pt.2
    October 07, 2011 
    Mitt Romney, resurgent in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, on Friday outlined his vision for the United States in the world, arguing for an America that has the strongest economy and military and is unafraid to take unilateral action in dealing with foreign affairs.

    Project for the New American Century - Neocon Playbook
    Bush Speech Delivered At The Citadel- September 23, 1999: In Campaign Speech, Bush Warns against Terrorism, Calls for Military ‘Transformation’'
    George W. Bush at The Citadel 1999
    A campaign speech delivered to the cadets of The Citadel, a South Carolina military college.

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